Mid last year I looked at a Phonegap project which required a background activity to run on Android devices. I did some proof of concept work, which seemed ok, and posted some questions online to see if this had already been done (was there a better way).
The project went of the boil and I didn't touch the code again until I was contacted with the view of using the proof of concept code to provide a library for a different Phonegap project.
So earlier this year I dusted off the code and turned it into a Plugin. Over the last couple of months I have been using that Plugin to provide library code. The work is now coming to an end the Plugin looks to be behaving itself well.
So I now intend on releasing the Plugin on to the GIT repository. I hope to do this in the next few days, along with couple of tutorials here to demonstrate its use.
The Plugin, which is purely for Android, is probably better described as a helper or base code rather than a full Plugin.
The Plugin provides a javascript library and java code which is intended to be extended to provide bespoke Background Services. I hope to provide enough information in the tutorials here to allow others to use the Plugin and extend it themselves. I look forward to feedback.